PO01 FR02 AG03 G04 G06 VG08 VG10 F12 F15 VF20 VF25 VF30 EF40 EF45 AU50 AU53 AU55 AU58 MS60 MS61
MS62 MS63 MS64 MS65 MS66 MS67 MS68 MS69 MS70 PR60 PR61 PR62 PR63 PR64 PR65 PR66 PR67 PR68 PR69 PR70
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EF45 Attributes..
   EF45 description of grade

obverse - obverse grading.

reverse - reverse grading.
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Grading Guide for EF45

EF45 first photo example

   A very nicely struck coin with full, sharp wheat hair lines. The wear is confined to a small flat spot on the cheek and jaw, and some minor scuffing on the wheat grains on the reverse. This coin is also very clean and free of easily noticeable detracting marks. The only reason this coin does not make AU is that the cheek wear is a little too flat for the grade. The reason it exceeds EF-40 is because it has attractive eye appeal even through the uneven alloy mix apparent in the planchet (especially on the reverse).
EF45 third photo example


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