PO01 FR02 AG03 G04 G06 VG08 VG10 F12 F15 VF20 VF25 VF30 EF40 EF45 AU50 AU53 AU55 AU58 MS60 MS61
MS62 MS63 MS64 MS65 MS66 MS67 MS68 MS69 MS70 PR60 PR61 PR62 PR63 PR64 PR65 PR66 PR67 PR68 PR69 PR70
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VG08 Attributes..
   A moderately worn coin. Design will be clear but will be worn flat in most areas and lacking detail.

obverse - Lincoln's outline is clear. Ear and cheek detail is nearly flattened. Most of the basic folds in the coat will be visible. Some lettering may be flattened, but will be cleary visible. Rim will be complete. Date will be clear and completely visible. Mint mark (if any) may be flattened on early branch mint examples.

reverse - The wheat ears will show some detail around the grains, and about one half of the lines will be visible although not completely separated. The O in ONE CENT may show weakness on early branch mint cents.
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Grading Guide for VG08

VG08 first photo example

   notes for the first VG8 graded cent
VG08 second photo example

   notes for the second VG8 graded cent
VG08 third photo example

   notes for the third VG8 graded cent

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